MI in Tobacco Treatment

  • Why MI?

    Autonomy and freedom of choice is the backbone of any quit smoking plan. If you’ve taken any tobacco treatment classes, you know MI is the bedrock foundation of the Tobacco Treatment Specialist’s skillset and approach.

  • Benefits of MI.

    Using the MI skillsets and sprit, tobacco treatment specialists are able create a psychologically safe space for the client to speak openly, partner with the client to focus on a mutually agreed upon topic, and helps the TTS draw forth the client’s own intrinsic reasons to give quitting a try. This respectful and compassionate approach not only works to resolve ambivalence about quitting, but can also help plant seeds so when a person is ready to change, they feel safe to do so with the MI TTS.

  • Does it work?

    Short answer, yes. There are over 2,000 clinical trials for MI, and in fact MI was developed out of the addictions world.