MI for Health & Wellness Coahes

  • Why more MI?

    As a health & wellness coach, your craft and career hinge on your MI skills. You’ve taken some MI coursework. But maybe you feel stuck at times, not sure what to ask or reflect. Maybe you are a coach in a fast-paced company and need to re-connect with your MI roots, to tap back into the MI skills that help you move your client along the stages of change quickly. Maybe you remember the basics and feel a bit stale in asking the same open questions over and over. In true MI fashion, let’s partner up, collaborate, and figure out how together we can catapult your MI skillset so you can step fully into your purpose and superpower.

  • Benefits of MI.

    MI is the foundation that helps your clients get to their ‘ah-ha’ moments faster and with more fireworks! You empower clients to be their healthiest happiest self. MI skills can create respectful spaces, and show the client that you accurately understand their meaning. MI skills are what the coach wields when they are illuminating the client’s innate capacity to heal and grow. If you approach sessions with an MI lens, the burden of “must fix it” falls right off of your shoulders, lending to less burn-out, and more client-driven change. It helps clients feel seen, heard and understood, all the goodness that is needed to build a trusting space.

  • Does it work?

    Short answer, yes. As a health and wellness coach you KNOW it cultivates changes talk, and real change. And there are over 2,000 clinical trials in MI demonstrating the profound power of MI in behavior change.