MI for Social Workers

  • Why MI?

    You walk into stressful situations almost daily: a client’s home, a courtroom, a hospital room, a heated phone call. Your client wants to feel seen, heard and understood, and you’re just hoping they’ll eventually change their behaviors. To top it all off, you’re stuck in the middle between clients who are facing extrodinary mental health needs and a system that seems to be working against you. That’s where the spirit and skillet of MI comes in! In our MI workshops, learn to foster a respectful and compassionate space, in order to empower your client to move themselves toward behavior change - to contact that therapist, to attend those meetings, to do the court expected thing with their kids. When you elevate your MI skills, you don’t have to have all the answers or be the “fix it” person. So let’s elevate those MI skills so that you can head off burnout and get back to doing what lead you into Social Work in the first place!

  • Benefits of MI.

    It’s no wonder social worker burnout is always inches away. Always feeling that pressure to MAKE people change their behaviors. But what if that wasn’t your role? What if your role was to be a guide to help them discover their own reasons to change, and how they want to go about that? MI can help reduce burnout, can help the client feel understood, and with all the autonomy honoring and evoking you’ll do, they have much higher odds of making that change - a safe and healtheir and happier world for kids and families that you’re striving so hard for.

  • Does it work?

    Short answer, yes. There are over 2,000 clinical trials in MI demonstrating the profound power of MI in behavior change.