What are people saying?

  • "The thing I loved most about training with Sarah was her authenticity. Sarah is passionate about MI and her belief in the change that can occur with the use of MI skills is contagious. She is truly invested in the growth of her trainees and in true MI spirit, she is your partner in the journey."

    — Jessica Bryan, therapist

  • “Sarah, as a trainer and overall person, is very welcoming, comfortable and passionate. She delivers the training in such a positive way that you leave feeling accomplished, motivated, and inspired."

    — Maddie, Social Worker

  • “I took MI training in my clinical psych class in college. This was a perfect refresher and bridge for my college information/knowledge to my everyday job."

    — G.P., Social Worker

What are people saying?

  • "This will impact my work by encouraging me to further encourage the change my clients are contemplating."

    — G.P., Social Worker

  • "Sarah continues to challenge perspectives and ideas. [She] isn't afraid to put herself out there and works to connect the material to real-life."

    — Anonymous, Social Worker

  • "What I learned will help me to bettter understand where clients are coming from and the reason behind their mindset."

    — Anonymous, Social Worker

What are people saying?

  • "Sarah is great at balancing learning modes and connecting the thoughts with the process. She doesn't lecture at you, she truly creates a safe space to learn and will meet your team where they are at while also challenging growth in a fun way."

    — Mandy

  • "I feel very confident with my MI skills after training with Sarah. I am able to dig deeper with clients and have them share more about themselves and their situations with the skills I learned. Definitely train with Sarah. Her knowledge of MI is immense. Her teaching style is collaborative and focuses on building upon the strengths you already have as a practitioner. Your skill set will greatly improve when working with her!".

    — Susana, Social Worker

  • "After learning MI with Sarah, I'm incorporating techniques of MI in almost every interaction in both professional and personal life. My clients have validated the helpfulness of its use as well!

    — Carina