Sarah Cameron is the founder and owner of Igniting Change Co. With over 13 years of experience in motivational interviewing, a member of the esteemed Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist Trainer, and a Nationally-Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), Sarah specializes in helping wellness professionals hone their motivational interviewing skills so that they can strategically guide their clients to self-driven change. 

Sarah’s background as a Board-Certified Health and Wellness coach gives her a deep understanding of the communication challenges that health and wellness coaches face in evoking behavior change with clients. From her work at in tobacco cessation at a busy Minneapolis safety net hospital, she understands the position healthcare professional are in; checking all the in-hospital boxes, yet asking the patient to make lifestyle changes outside of your presence. She trains with radical candor, offering strengths-based feedback and challenging participants to stretch and grow. She is your external eyes and ears, providing an accurate picture of your reality, recognizing your skillset, breaking down what you are doing, and building up your MI skillset bringing your change-communication skills to a whole new level.

By combining her knowledge and experience in healthcare and wellness coaching, and her expertise as a motivational interviewing trainer, Sarah is able to develop customized strategies that help wellness professionals learn and apply fruitful skills immediately upon leaving her workshops. She is deeply committed to helping her clients level up their MI and is known for her authentic and memorable teaching style.

When she’s not working, Sarah enjoys pizza Fridays with her family, thrift shopping, and boating on many of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes. She is a lifelong learner so you’ll often find her listening to yet another podcast on a range of topics from motivational interviewing, to gut biome, to real life murder mysteries.

Contact Sarah.